/* LINE: dlg;line_no;sentence1;sentence2| ;{cond} (This statement is optional)
/* LACT: dlg;line_no;{cond|comm} (This statement is optional)
LINE: 5;1;I'll come back later.;I'll come back later then.;
LACT: 5;1;RESP R,5,Okey dokey, there, see you!;EDLG;EXIT
LINE: 5;2;Who are you?;Who did you say you were again?;
LACT: 5;2;RESP R,5,I am E.M.Cloud, the owner of Cloud Electronics.;NAME E.M.Cloud;DSET 5,+1
LINE: 5;3;So, what do you do here?; ;
LACT: 5;3;RESP R,5,We sell goodies from Aztec Electronics' catalogue.
LACT: 5;3;RESP R,5,Nice goods they are too.;DSET 5,+4,N3
LINE: 5;4;What is so special about Aztec products?; ;
LACT: 5;4;RESP R,5,Well, two things, really.;RESP R,5,First of all, they are great value for money!
LACT: 5;4;RESP R,5,And secondly, they do things that no other company has been able to do.;RESP R,5,They even manage to do things that are theoretically impossible!
LACT: 5;4;DSET 5,+5,+6,N4
LINE: 5;5;How come Aztec products are such great value for money?; ;
LACT: 5;5;RESP R,5,Well, the main reason is that they cost absolutely nothing to produce!;RESP R,5,Aztec have made a machine which manufactures parts from thin air and assembles them.
LACT: 5;5;RESP R,5,It's really neat.;DSET 5,+7,N5
LINE: 5;6;What interesting things can Aztec products do?; ;
LACT: 5;6;RESP R,5,Well, for a start, there is the Aztec physical copier!;RESP R,5,Can make copies of any object.
LACT: 5;6;RESP R,5,Aztec Teleporters are also useful, especially as they are so portable.
LACT: 5;6;DSET 5,+8,N6
LINE: 5;7;How much do you charge for Aztec products?; ;
LACT: 5;7;RESP R,5,Well, Aztec products are good value for money even at the RRP, they are normally less than £20.
LACT: 5;7;RESP R,5,However, we are not out to make money.;RESP R,5,The RRP is, of course, completely voluntary.;RESP R,5,We just want to bring a bit of magic into people's lives!
LACT: 5;7;RESP R,5,So there is no charge for any of our goods.;SAY Oh, nice one!;RESP R,5,Simply help yourself to anything you want.;RESP R,5,We can just replace the item by using the Aztec Physical Copier over there.
LACT: 5;7;SETRF 2=1;DSET 5,+8,N7
LINE: 5;8;Tell me about these products.;Tell me more about your products;
LACT: 5;8;RESP R,5,Well, which product do you want to know about?
LACT: 5;8;DSET 5,S1,+9,+10,+11,+12,+13
LINE: 5;9;Tell me about the Az-Light Bulb!;Tell me about the Az-Light Bulb again!;
LACT: 5;9;RESP R,5,The Aztec light bulb is a great leap forward in lighting technology.;RESP R,5,It acts like a normal light bulb, but it never breaks down!
LACT: 5;9;RESP R,5,Also, it consumes ZERO current!;SAY Hang on, zero current? What makes it light up then?;RESP R,5,Ah, it uses the energy of the surrounding air to light the lamp.;RESP R,5,Only Aztec makes this possible!
LACT: 5;9;SAY That really is neat.;DSET 5,-9
LINE: 5;10;Tell me about the Az-Transmitter!;Tell me about the Az-Transmitter again!;
LACT: 5;10;RESP R,5,Well, the Aztec transmitter is a neat device.;RESP R,5,It lets you transmit a signal on ANY frequency you like, AM, FM, CW, Sideband, whatever!
LACT: 5;10;RESP R,5,Also, it can transmit up to 1Kw! Off batteries!;SAY One killaaa-watt?!;RESP R,5,Yeah,it uses the same principle as the Aztec light bulb.
LACT: 5;10;DSET 5,-10
LINE: 5;11;Tell me about the Az-Teleporter!;Tell me about the Az-Teleporter again!;
LACT: 5;11;RESP R,5,This innocent small looking device can actually teleport objects to another location!;RESP R,5,However, we haven't got full control of the destination yet, the designers are working on that.
LACT: 5;11;DSET 5,-11
LINE: 5;12;Tell me about the Az-Duplicator!;Tell me about the Az-Duplicator again!;
LACT: 5;12;RESP R,5,This lovely device is what we use to duplicate our stock- The Aztec Physical Copier.;RESP R,5,This is still quite a big box, however...;RESP R,5,...unlike the Az-Teleporter, the object to be duplicated has to be inside the duplicator.
LACT: 5;12;RESP R,5,A portable version is likely in the future, but the current model is perfectly adequete for our needs.
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ 25;IFOBJ2 21;IFNOTCARR;SAY I would have to pick it up first!;EXIT
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ 28;IFOBJ2 ROBJ1;IFOF 1=0;MOBJ ROBJ1;SAY Right, here goes.;HANDLE ROBJ1;W 50;HANDLE -1;SAY Wow, it worked!;SAY I think I'll duplicate a few, just for fun.;HANDLE ROBJ1;W 50;HANDLE -1
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ 28;IFOBJ2 ROBJ1;IFOF 1=0;NAME Nine Golden Hamsters;ICON 62;SAY That sure is a clever machine;SETOF 1=1;EXIT
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ 28;IFOBJ2 ROBJ1;SAY I think I've got enough of them.;EXIT
ACTION: 3;IFOBJ 31;IFOBJ2 ROBJ1;IFOF 1=1;SAY I think I've got enough sunflower seeds for anything anyway!;EXIT